قرآن کریم اور علم الضبط

سارہ بانو * ڈاکٹر حافظ انس نضر مدنی

  • OJS Admin


The correct recitation of the Quran depends upon correct spellings is based on "Ilm al-Rasm" and accurate reading depends upon "Ilm al-Dabt". "Ilm al-Dabt" is divided into “Nuqat al-A’rab” and “Nuqat al- A’jam”. “Nuqat al-A’rab” mean the signs which throw light on ‘al-Harakah’, ‘Sukun’, ‘Tashdid’ and ‘Madd’ etc. “Nuqat al-A’jamm” implies the signs which remove the confusion found between letters and cause the phonetic and facial recognition different letters. So dotted letters are titled “Mu’jam” and dotless letters are named as “Muhmal”. This paper deals with “Nuqat al-A’rab”. Initially, the Quran was without these signs. This science was developed first time in the period of Amir Muawiah by Abu al-Aswad al-Duali in the shap of rounded dots. Later on these dots were replaced with appropriate signs by Khalil bin Ahmad al-Farahidi. These signs were given different names. Ilm al-Dbt gained a little controversy but the majority of scholars appreciated it.

How to Cite
Admin, O. (2020). قرآن کریم اور علم الضبط. Al-Tabyeen, 1(1), 130-164. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/136

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