اصولِ تعليم حضرت موسىٰ و خضر کے واقعہ کی روشنی میں

ڈاکٹر شمس العارفین * ڈاکٹر عبد القدوس

  • OJS Admin


The prime aim of this paper is to explore the principle and lessons of knowledge acquisition from the event of Prophet Moses and Khizar (AS) narrated in the Holy Quran. Almighty Allah (SWT) has provided detailed account of interaction between Prophet Moses and Khizar (AS) including the time they spent together, various wonders Prophet Moses came across and his final departure from Khizar.One can derive many lessons on learning process and knowledge acquisition from this event. In addition to the education process, this study has revealed important aspects of student teacher relationship and the importance of their roles. Moreover, the paper highlights the influences and prerogatives of the teachers in light of the mentioned event. It does not only cover the respect of the teacher by the students but also the teachers’ thinking about the welfare of the students and their impact on the advantages of the education process. Therefore, the analysis of the event results in many social and educational implications regarding students’ behavior and attitude towards learning as well as their teachers. The paper also encompasses the rules related to the education process in particular the special consideration at students’ part for better learning.

How to Cite
Admin, O. (2020). اصولِ تعليم حضرت موسىٰ و خضر کے واقعہ کی روشنی میں. Al-Tabyeen, 2(1), 120-139. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/149