زبانوں کی تہذیبی اہمیت عربی زبان وقرآن حکیم؛ اہمیت و کردار


  • OJS Admin


Languages are considered  God-gifted and human being is far superior in linguistic skills as compared to other creartures. Language is associated with the civiliztion and demise of a language leads to death of that civilization. The words and phrases of a language are the outcome of spicfic epistemologisal environment of a civilization and cannot be used in the same mining in any other languge.

Arabic, the language of Quran, has unique charastaristics whiche no other language has. Simiraly, the Quran is superior than all other revealed books in all respects. A critical analyses and evaluation reveles that Quran is the word of Allah as claimed by it, by the Prophet (SAW) and by the Muslims; and its accuracy, authenticity and sanctity is acknowledged by its friends and foes and no other  revealed book can compet it in this regard.

How to Cite
Admin, O. (2020). زبانوں کی تہذیبی اہمیت عربی زبان وقرآن حکیم؛ اہمیت و کردار. Al-Tabyeen, 1(1), 108-135. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/135

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