Paper Template

Manuscript Formatting

  • The abstract should be concise, limited to a font size of 10, and a maximum of 250 words. It is imperative that the abstract is self-explanatory, encompassing the study’s rationale, objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. In instances where abbreviations are employed, their definitions must be provided upon initial mention in both the abstract and the main body of the text. It is noteworthy that the format of abstracts for review articles may vary.
  • Please provide three to eight keywords that succinctly represent the content of the article (font size 10).
  • In the introduction, articulate a clear and succinct statement of the problem, substantiated by references to pertinent recent literature, and outline the objectives of the investigation.
  • In the Materials and Methods section, furnish a comprehensive description of the procedures or experimental details, incorporating relevant statistical tests (if applicable). Present the information concisely yet with sufficient detail to facilitate the replication of the study.
  • In the Results section, ensure clarity and conciseness through the utilization of pertinent tables, figures, and other illustrative elements. Avoid redundancy between the data presented in Tables and Figures while providing statistical support for the reported results.
  • In the Discussion section, offer an interpretation of the results in the context of pertinent previous studies, substantiated by references to published literature.
  • In a concise statement using font size 10, express gratitude in the Acknowledgment section, acknowledging financial support and any other assistance received.
  • Transparently declare any potential conflicts of interest in the appropriate section, acknowledging if there are any such conflicts.
  • In the References section, using font size 10, cite references in the text by number within square brackets; for example, Brown [2] reported... or as previously described [3, 6–8]. List the references in the order of their citation in the text, tables, and figures, rather than alphabetically. Note that only published (and accepted for publication) journal articles, books, and book chapters qualify for inclusion in the references.