Aims and Scope

The objective of JCTLLS is to contribute to theoretical, empirical, and experimental research that strives to advance our knowledge of literature and the discursive effects it has on readers. Furthermore, interdisciplinary articles that examine the relationships between literature, literary theory, narratology, and psychology are highly encouraged.

The journal welcomes articles, reviews, and reports pertaining to literary and theoretical theories, as well as those that investigate different literary genres and their stylistic ramifications. JCTLLS values variety and welcomes submissions that draw on theories and philosophical perspectives that deviate from Western paradigms, adding to the depth of regional academic conversation. In response to the ever-evolving world, the journal addresses research areas from a variety of fields, such as:

  • Gender and Literature
  • Literary Stylistics and Contemporary Approaches to Literary Studies
  • Language, ideology and power and their role in Nation Acquisition
  • Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
  • Translation Literature
  • Discourse Studies
  • Decolonization and Indigenization

JCTLLS is biannual. The inaugural edition is set to be released in January 2024, followed by subsequent editions published in July.