COVID-19 Effect on Mental Health of Health Care Workers

  • Syed Amir Gilani Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan


There is a new wave of coronavirus known as COVID-19 is causing this pandemic. This wave of this deadly virus has started on 7 January 2020. As of June 2020 it stared to spread globally from one country to another country. Till now there is no treatment and proper vaccines for this virus. All research labs of different countries are using hit and trial method to make a proper vaccine bit no success till now. There are no successful vaccines or treatment. Convalescent plasma transfusion can be a potential treatment, but it is in experimental stages. 

This Virus is seriously effecting the mental health of different health care workers. Professionals and health care workers who work under this high anxiety environment are facing a lot of mental and behavioral changes. Counselling and psychotherapy based on the stress-adaptation model can serve as an early and prompt intervention. As a result, addressing mental health problems among medical personnel is critical for better pandemic prevention and control. Medical staff are typically rotated among the provinces of the state to care for confirmed or suspected cases, reinforce logistic support, and relieve strain on health-care personnel. In this case, broadcasting medical advice on how to avoid the risk of transmission between patients and medical workers in a medical setting through online and electronic media could alleviate the pressure on medical workers.

How to Cite
Gilani, S. A. (2021). COVID-19 Effect on Mental Health of Health Care Workers. Pakistan Journal of Physical Therapy (PJPT), 4(2), 01.