Plagiarism Policy Statement

Plagiarism Policy Statement

a. The University shall hold zero tolerance for any kind of plagiarism.
b. All anti-plagiarism policies, rules, regulations and guidelines given by the HEC shall be adopted and
fully implemented university-wide in letter and true spirit.
c. Academic honesty shall be promoted across the board through training and dissemination of documents
like researchers’ code of conduct etc.
d. Turnitin shall be used as the official software to check plagiarism of texts written in languages
permissible in the software. Further, only officially provided Turnitin accounts shall be used to check
plagiarism. Furthermore, these accounts shall not be used to check plagiarism of research work other
than the one carried out at/by UoL.
e. In no case the faculty, students, researchers etc., shall use personal email IDs for any official
f. Any violation(s) to this policy document shall invite disciplinary action.

Code of Conduct
The authors are expected to:
• Ensure the observance of the universal moral principles of research
• Abide by all UoL research policies, rules, regulations and guidelines etc.
• Follow local and international applicable research policies and established practices
• Avoid immoral research practices
• Apply suitable and relevant research methods
• Conclude on the basis of critical analysis of the evidence
• Report completely and correctly, the findings of a research
• Keep clear, complete and accurate records of all research
• Acknowledge the individuals who made contributions to the research
• Obtain informed consent from the respondents/unit of analysis, for example, surveys in case of Social
Sciences, a declaration to the respondents/unit of analysis on the assurance of confidentiality and
right to withdraw from study at any time prior to data collection
• Keep privacy/secrecy when reviewing others’ work, and
• Avoid plagiarism of all nature
Note: Refer to HEC guidelines on ‘Ethics of Using Turnitin for Administrators and Faculty’ (F).