Anti-Plagiarism Policy Ethical Guidelines

PJISS Plagiarism Policy

On behalf of the editorial board of the Pakistan Journal of Integrated Social Sciences (PJISS), we wish to highlight our commitment to promoting ethical research practices.

At PJISS, we firmly believe that originality is the backbone of exceptional research. We understand the significance of proper referencing and the detrimental impact that plagiarism can have on the academic community. To ensure the highest standards in scholarly publishing, we have implemented a robust policy to address plagiarism.

Plagiarism comes in various forms, from direct copying to paraphrasing without proper attribution. We take this issue seriously and have established specific actions and penalties to prevent and handle instances of plagiarism in articles submitted for publication in PJISS.

When you choose to publish your research with us, you can be confident that your work will be treated with utmost integrity. We encourage authors to credit the work of others, including their advisor's or their own previous research, and place their contributions within the broader context of advancing their respective fields.

What constitutes plagiarism by an author?

Are you passionate about creating original and authentic content that stands out from the crowd? We've got some valuable insights to share with you about the importance of avoiding plagiarism and achieving true creativity.

Literal copying, or reproducing a work verbatim without permission or acknowledgment, is a clear case of plagiarism that stifles creativity and hinders progress. But it doesn't stop there.

Substantial copying, which involves reproducing a significant portion of a work without proper attribution, can also be detrimental to your reputation and success. That's why it's crucial to understand the importance of respecting intellectual property and crafting your own unique ideas.

Paraphrasing, on the other hand, poses its own challenges when it comes to detecting plagiarism. While it may seem like an easy way out, true creativity blossoms when we avoid relying on someone else's words and instead pave our own path.


Text recycling is using parts of an author's work in a paper and submitting it as a completely new publication. This act of plagiarism is becoming more and more common, as it allows for researchers to quickly publish multiple articles. As a result, the quality of the papers suffer which in turn undermines any progress that could have been made. The best way to ensure you're not plagiarizing or reusing content is to be mindful of how you express and present your ideas.

When submitting your content, please ensure that any verbatim material from external sources is appropriately identified. It should stand out through indentation, the use of quotation marks, and the clear identification of the source. Additionally, any text or graphics used beyond fair use standards, defined as more than two or three sentences or their equivalent, requires permission from the copyright holder and proper attribution to the original author(s) and source.

When instances of plagiarism are detected, the Editor assumes responsibility for reviewing the paper and takes appropriate measures based on the severity of the plagiarism. These measures are determined in accordance with the guidelines outlined below.

  • The editor issues a warning to the authors as a section from another article is reproduced without proper credit, although no significant data or ideas are used. The authors are urged to revise the text and provide appropriate citations to the original article, ensuring transparency and integrity in their work.
  • A substantial section of a paper involves the act of reproducing original results or ideas from another publication, which actually is plagiarism. As a consequence, the paper is rejected and the authors face a five-year prohibition from submitting any future articles.
  • In the event that a second instance of plagiarism by the same author(s) is detected, the editorial board will deliberate on disciplinary actions to be taken. Such actions may include a permanent ban on future article submissions by the author(s).
  • This policy extends to content reproduced from another publication authored by the same author(s). When utilizing previously published text or figures, it is important to identify and reference the corresponding paragraphs or figures from the prior publication.
  • To maintain a high standard of ethics in the publishing world, it is essential that authors avoid submitting manuscripts with significant overlap to multiple journals simultaneously.
  • In cases where such overlap is discovered during the review process or after the publication of both papers, it is treated as a severe plagiarism case.
  • Identify and mention any previously published material used to clarify the presentation.
  • Highlight the differences between the present publication and the previously published material.
  • Obtain permission from the copyright holder to republish.
  • If a manuscript was originally published in conference proceedings, acknowledge the conference details and obtain permission to republish.
  • Editors may have the discretion to decline publication.
  • However, authors can now incorporate content from your unpublished presentations, including visual displays, into subsequent journal publications. Remember to credit the title, date, and journal of the original publication if it was previously published in another language and acquire the necessary copyright.

At PJISS, we help you unlock your creative potential by providing expert advice and tools to foster originality. Our mission is to support you in crafting exceptional content that captivates your audience and sets you apart.

Remember, true success lies in originality.