Are Medical Educators Primed To Adopt Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare System And Medical Education?

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Shazia Iqbal


Currently, the acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI) in the
health care system and medical education is growing rapidly.
It is crucial to involve healthcare professionals and medical
educators in developing, authenticating, and implementing
AI-enabled tools in medicine. A lack of AI knowledge and
inadequate preparation to embrace this revolution will lead
to orthodox patient care. Consequently, medical support will
not be optimal to keep pace with rapidly changing healthcare
trends word widely. This is a significant barrier to adopting
and implementing AI that will affect the quality of patient care
and the future of the healthcare sector. In addition, the limited
existing AI education programs are a barrier to the development
and implementation of AI-assisted applications at various levels
of medical education (Charow et al., 2021).

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How to Cite
Iqbal, S. (2022). Are Medical Educators Primed To Adopt Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare System And Medical Education?. Health Professions Educator Journal, 5(1), 7-8.