Significance of postural awareness in Pakistani women

  • Saiqa Kanwal Riphah international university,Lahore pakistan


Your posture tells a story. It can show how your body is working and how it sounds. Correct posture matters a lot as it assures that bones are accurately lined up with the rest of the body while the forces in muscles and tendons are equally distributed. Along these lines, it also keeps the body parts in their appropriate places with no negative pressure. Correct postural position while sitting and standing permits proficient work with minimal fatigue and strain on ligaments and muscles.1 Female Students tend to develop poor posture as their work demands prolonged sitting, such as attending daily lectures, working on PC, labs, projects using CPUs, and likewise. It eventually causes many types of musculoskeletal problems due to inappropriate workstation ergonomics and poor body posture. Furthermore, habitual adaptations of posture and poor ergonomic measures while performing exercises for chest or upper back, cause muscle imbalances leading to rounded shoulder. 2

How to Cite
Kanwal, S. (2022). Significance of postural awareness in Pakistani women. Pakistan Journal of Physical Therapy (PJPT), 5(1).