For Authors


The submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Architecture and Built Environment Research must be an original, unpublished work that is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The manuscript is considered ineligible for publication by the Editorial Board if it is being considered for publication in another journal, conference proceedings, or book chapter. The submitted manuscripts will be checked for similarity index in Turnitin software and will not be considered for publication if the acceptable limit is exceeded. Further, the similarity index from one source should be less than 5%.

 Formatting of Manuscript

The manuscript must be according to the desired format of JABER. The entire document submitted should be typewritten, single-column, double-spaced with font size 12 (preferably Times New Roman). Headings should be Bold with a font size of 14. Subheadings must be Bold with a font size of 12.  For reference, use our Paper Template. This includes Abstracts and References as well. The page size should be set to A4 with margins set to normal. The manuscript should be uploaded in Word editable format.



A technical paper should usually not exceed 6000–7000 words, including word equivalents. The authors must explain why in detail if a paper is more than 7,000 words. As a general rule, 250 words should be counted for each half-page figure or table.


It is important to type all equations clearly. Ensure that all characters, subscripts, and superscripts are readable, distinct, and logically placed. Numbers in square brackets should be successively used to identify each equation and should be positioned flush with the left margin. The word "equation" must be abbreviated and capitalized in the text, as in Eq. (1). Only one entity should be represented by a letter or symbol, and this usage should be maintained throughout the paper. Either in the text or in the list of symbols, each variable must be declared. The reference list is inserted after the symbol list. Also, type this part using double spacing. Greek alphabets come after Roman alphabets, and capital letters are arranged before lowercase ones.


The format for all tables should be portrait. There should be a title and a number for each table. The headings for the tables in the body of the text must be in uppercase and bold. Table 1. Following the list of references, the tables should be arranged in the order in which they are cited in the text. The tables' smallest text size is 10 points.


The figures must be clear in order to be viewable after being resized to fit the space provided in the journal. There should be titles and numbers next to each figure. The figures need to be quoted in the body of the text and capitalized with boldface, for example. Fig. 1.


The references of published literature must be written with APA (American Psychological Association Style, 7th edition) style. All type of sources must adhere to following guidelines.

Journal: Bazazzadeh, H., Nadolny, A., & Safaei, S. S. H. (2021). Climate Change and Building Energy Consumption: A Review of the Impact of Weather Parameters Influenced by Climate Change on Household Heating and Cooling Demands of Buildings. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 10(2), 1–12.

Book:  Linda N. Groat, D. W. (2013). Architectural Research Methods. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Book Chapter:  Lechner, N. (2013). Thermal Comfort. In Heating, Cooling and Lighting; Sustainable Design Methods for Architects (pp. 64–76). John Wiley & Sons , Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Website: Adward, D. (2018). Shanghai’s New Horizon High Land Park & Civic Center / URBAN ARCHITECTURE.

Thesis: Yimprayoon, C. (2012). Energy Efficiency Design Strategies for Buildings With Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems. University of Michigan.

 Format of Manuscript

A typical manuscript must be submitted as 2 word files; one file as Title Pgae and one as main manuscript. Manuscript could have several sections. Below is a suggested order of Title page first.


  1. Title: There is a character limit of 100 characters, including spaces between words. The title needs to be bold and capitalized.
  2. Authors' Full Names and Affiliations: Each author's full name should written on the line that follows the article's title. Below the names of the authors, each author's current title, affiliation must be given. Below that, it is mandatory to indicate the author who will manage correspondence during all refereeing and publication phases when there are several authors. As a general criteria, manuscripts with maximum 4 authors are considered.
  3. Abstract: Write a self-contained abstract of 150–200 words describing the objectives, methodology, and conclusions of the work in a single paragraph. No references, figures, or tables should be used.
  4. Keywords: List 6 to 8 keywords right after the abstract. Do not use words like "and," "of," or abbreviations. Only well-established acronyms/abbreviations/terminologies may be used.


Structure of Manuscript:

Main manuscript The submitted manuscript should contain the following headings/sections


        The Introduction should describe the research/study and also state the importance of the study. The introduction should include the objectives of the research and also the hypothesis which is being tested in the study. Prominent research published in the same field must be referenced as well.

Materials And Methods:

            This section should be presented in enough detail to enable others to duplicate and expand on previously published findings. While well-established procedures can be quickly presented and properly cited, new protocols and methods should be described in full. Indicate the brand and version of any software that was used, and state whether the source code was made accessible. Any preregistration codes should be included.

Results And Discussion:

            This section should give an accurate account of the experimental findings, their interpretation, and any possible experimental inferences. In light of earlier research and the working hypotheses, authors should discuss the findings and how they can be interpreted. The work's limitations should be emphasized, and the findings and their consequences should be discussed in the broadest context feasible. The directions for future study may also be indicated. Results and this section could be combined.

Conclusion / Recommendations

            The main conclusions of the study are quoted in this section which can be applied in a broader context.