The impact of regular breakfast intake on cognitive performance and emotional status of adolescent Saudi Arabian Medical students

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Amrah Javaid Munir


Introduction:Breakfast consumption, being the first meal of the day can be useful for better health outcomes and educational performance. The enhancement of the academic capabilities of students is an essential factor that has a significant effect on their future life. 

Objectives: A cross-sectional survey was designed to find out the effects of regular or irregular breakfast eating habits on cognitive performance and emotional status of adolescent Saudi Arabian medical students.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, ninety female medical students of Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman Women University, Riyadh were recruited with an average age of 18-19 years. The students were divided into two groups A and B. Group A included 60 students who took breakfast on the day of study; whereas group B comprised 30 students who did not take breakfast on the study day. Students were tested using Test Performance Assessment Quiz to test their cognitive ability. A proforma based on positive or negative emotions of the student was filled by each student. The response rate of students was 98%.

 Results: The mean BMI of group A was lower as compared to group B, but was statistically insignificant. Academic performance and positive emotions of students taking breakfast were significantly higher (P<0.001) compared to students skipping breakfast. Moreover, negative emotions in subjects taking breakfast were significantly less (P<0.001) than a student taking breakfast infrequently or skipping it.

Conclusion: The academic performance, as well as subjective wellbeing of adolescents, may be enhanced and improved by early recognition and correction of their meal habits. There is a need to encourage adolescents to take breakfast on regular basis during the period of rapid development of the brain and body to avoid health issues in the future.

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How to Cite
Munir, A. (2019). The impact of regular breakfast intake on cognitive performance and emotional status of adolescent Saudi Arabian Medical students. Health Professions Educator Journal, 1(1), 11-14.