Al-Tabyeen <p>Al-Tabyeen is an Academic Journal devoted to Islamic research and scholarship.It is to serve as a forum for scholars to write objectively, analytically and where ever necessary, critically on Islamic History, Philosophy, Science, Arts, Culture, Archaeology, Law, and Jurisprudence, etc.It brings out the achievements of Muslims in the fields of Humanities, Social and Natural sciences.It aims at defining Islam in terms of its fundamentals in a rational and liberal manner, emphasizing at the same time, the basic Islamic ideals of universal brotherhood, tolerance, and social justice.It aims at interpreting the teachings of Islam in such a way as to bring out its dynamic character in the context of the intellectual and scientific progress of the modern world.It provides an open forum for a dialogue among the Fundamentalist, Conservative, and the Modernist schools of thought among the Muslims aiming at finding a balanced view.It endeavors, through dialogue, to find Islamic answers to the question relating to social, political, economic, and moral problems of the fast and drastically changing world of today.</p> <p><img src="/journals/public/site/images/imranayub/y-category-hec-higher-education-commission-pakistan-logo-png-150x184px4.png" width="79" height="97"></p> Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore. en-US Al-Tabyeen 2664-1178 Patriarchy: Exploring the Islamic and Western Perspective <p>The institution of patriarchy is very fundamental to the teachings of Islam. So many verses from the holy Quran and sayings of Prophet (may peace be upon him) enshrine unambiguously that in comparison to his female counterpart, male enjoys a supervisory role in Islamic social system. However, some anti-Islamic forces are bent upon undermining the clear-cut injunctions of Islam regarding this istsitution. Since its inception in mid-1900, the feminist movement for the destruction and derooting of patriarchal “hegemony” has only witnessed a drift towards social destruction, moral bankruptcy, and desecration of family values. The slogan of women empowerment and emancipation has become widely popular among secular, so-called progressive, champions of human rights, Dollar-funded NGOs and deracinated elements of Pakistani society. This world-wide campaign, especially launched in both western societies as well as in Muslim world is dammed to be a complete failure. The manifestations of the failure of this unethical and unnatural adventure are abundant in our society as well as in the world at large, especially in the countries which claim to be the champions of women empowerment. Crimes against women in Pakistan as well as in the world at large are increasing at an alarming rate. Woman is relegated to a commodity and is sold to the advertisers for their product promotional activities.</p> Muhammad Khalid, Professor Abdul Hameed ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 10 10 Role of 'Equality' in marriage <p>Islamic law recommends early marriage for a boy or a girl after puberty. When choosing a girl for a boy or a boy for a girl, what attributes should they have in common so that the couple can be considered equal? In this regard, the jurists of Islam have relied on a number of things, such as religion, lineage, wealth, and profession. This article examines the details that the <em>Fuqaha</em> have. And is it obligatory to keep these things in mind or considered <em>mustahab</em> for marriage? In many <em>Ahadith</em>, several things have been pointed out in connection with equality. What is the status of this hadeeth? If a marriage takes place in which equality is not considered and the spouses are not equal, then do they have the right to annul the marriage or not? In the opinion of some jurists, equality in marriage contracts is not valid at all. Because Islam has given the basic status to religion, other things are additional that have no permanent status.</p> Muhammad Imran Sajid Atiq ur Rehman ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 13 13 Caution against coronavirus and hadiths of the prophet (ﷺ) <p>Covid-19, which originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019, is one of the deadliest and most widespread outbreaks in human history. Of the more than 25 million victims in 175 countries, more than a million people have died of the virus and a few years later, the effects of this deadly virus continue. In these circumstances, doctors and international health organizations constantly advise precautionary measures, on the other hand, some scholars consider only trust and trust to be sufficient. What is the balance and correct explanation between trust and caution according to Islam about the corona patient? And what shari'ah rulings are affected by extraordinary caution?</p> <p>It is necessary to take guidance from the Qur'an and Sunnah and scholars regarding these issues of Shariah status, on which important and authentic Shariah details have been presented below.</p> Hafiz Hasan Madani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 16 16 Leverage and Contract Status in Shariah <p>Islam is a complete code of life. Islamic Shariah guides us in every walk of life. The modern world is facing new and complex issues of business and dealing. E–marketing, stock exchange, and these other institutions are promoted worldwide. In this article conditions of “arboon” and “aqood” in marketing have been described in the light of shariah. Issues of trading companies have been discussed according to important books of all schools of thought particularly the Hanfi school of thought. No one can deny that ever since the industrial revolution took place in the world, the reality of everything has already changed, and companies' complex forms of participation in new forms have emerged, such as electronic media, the internet, and Money [E. MONEY], CDC, Stock Exchange, Commodity Exchange and other similar institutions came into existence so fast that putting them in the Islamic mold became the main and basic need of the time. The article under consideration will help the owners of commercial companies and institutions to carry out their work procedures in the light of Sharia, which is considered impossible. It will help.</p> Muhammad Anwar Qasmi Awais Ahmad Chaudhry ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 15 15