Patriarchy: Exploring the Islamic and Western Perspective

پدرانہ نظام معاشرت

Keywords: Patriarchy, Western Perspective, fundamental, feminist


The institution of patriarchy is very fundamental to the teachings of Islam. So many verses from the holy Quran and sayings of Prophet (may peace be upon him) enshrine unambiguously that in comparison to his female counterpart, male enjoys a supervisory role in Islamic social system. However, some anti-Islamic forces are bent upon undermining the clear-cut injunctions of Islam regarding this istsitution. Since its inception in mid-1900, the feminist movement for the destruction and derooting of patriarchal “hegemony” has only witnessed a drift towards social destruction, moral bankruptcy, and desecration of family values. The slogan of women empowerment and emancipation has become widely popular among secular, so-called progressive, champions of human rights, Dollar-funded NGOs and deracinated elements of Pakistani society. This world-wide campaign, especially launched in both western societies as well as in Muslim world is dammed to be a complete failure. The manifestations of the failure of this unethical and unnatural adventure are abundant in our society as well as in the world at large, especially in the countries which claim to be the champions of women empowerment. Crimes against women in Pakistan as well as in the world at large are increasing at an alarming rate. Woman is relegated to a commodity and is sold to the advertisers for their product promotional activities.

How to Cite
Khalid, M., & Hameed, A. (2023). Patriarchy: Exploring the Islamic and Western Perspective. Al-Tabyeen, 7(02), 10. Retrieved from