اسلامی ریاست میں قومی قیادت کے اصول

کلثوم بی بی - ڈاکٹر ابو بکر بھٹہ

  • OJS Admin


To serve humanity and nation leadership is a noble and glorious position. Sensible, talented, honest and true leadership not only works honestly with dedication and commitment in solving internal and external challenges, but also plays a key role in the development of peace and prosperity in society. Due to the lack of spirit and training of the people, especially of the younger generation, these incompetent leaders succeed in befooling many people and it transferred from generation to generation, in order to change this scenario, education and training of the young generation is urgently needed. True spirit of leadership
can be promoted by creating sincerity, awareness in students in the light of Islamic teachings.This article focuses on the Islamic attributes of leadership through which a person can have opportunities to transform social system by bringing reforms and development in social system to perform the duties by guiding and governing people with the noble aim to serve humanity according to modern requirements in the light of the teachings of holy Prophet.

How to Cite
Admin, O. (2020). اسلامی ریاست میں قومی قیادت کے اصول. Al-Tabyeen, 4(1), 111-123. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/260