اخفائےمعانئ قرآن اوراشتراکِ لفظی جديد

حبیب احمد - ڈاکٹر محفوظ احمد

  • OJS Admin


Last revelation namely al- Quran has addressed the human beings in an eloquent way using all types of expressions and diction. The divine method of articulation for holy commandments is miraculous and opts all appealing techniques of communications that also includes use of homographs and metaphors. The word that are spelled the same but have different meaning are called Homographs. The reciter and
reader of the Quran faces some difficulty in deciding the meaning of a Homographs used in the Quran that leads to difference of opinions. In the books of Quranic Sciences this term is called Mushtarak al –Lafzi. The article has been aimed to elaborate what is Mushtarak al –Lafzi and what are the impact of vagueness originated from these words of the Quran on Quranic exegesis. Some examples have been produced from
the books of Quranic Studies regarding its influence on exegetical literature.

How to Cite
Admin, O. (2020). اخفائےمعانئ قرآن اوراشتراکِ لفظی جديد. Al-Tabyeen, 4(1), 23-38. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/254