مکالمہ بین المذاہب شرائط، مقاصد جديد

ڈاكٹر محبوب على شاہ ڈاكٹر محمد شاہد حبىب

  • OJS Admin


Now the whole world is the global village. The science has brought revolution in every field of life. Man has made a lot of things for his comforts, discomforts, reliefs and destruction. Now the time has come for us to take evolutionary steps to save us from giant’s destruction, terrorism, extremism, intolerance and unrest which are the machinations of complete annihilation over the earth, which needs cosmopolitanism on our part For this purpose, dialogue can play a vital role. People belongs to different civilizations, cultures , societies , nations and religions can sit around the table beings humans and can solve religious , political , geo political and economical problems by enhancing mutuality and common understanding. Dialogical aim should be to avoid clash of civilizations and peace for everyone. Terrorism and extremism should be stopped and we should promulgate coexistence and peace for whole human community. Purpose should be to serve the humanity. We should promote love, peace, respect for the other religions; serve humanity create equality and equity among human beings. This should be safety of present and coming generation. We should pay our role as super creature and thinking creature; super. The barriers which come across while promulgating cosmopolitanism and expatriation is seemed to be is the double standard of the west , that promotes colonialism , terrorism , extremism and economical support of missionaries and these things are the real problems for those human beings who take serious trenchant and serious efforts to achieve dialogical goals cannot achieve it. The role western media plays; is not supportive to this nation. Western world especially American should use her hegemony to make world worth living and worth seeing to the coming generation.

How to Cite
Admin, O. (2020). مکالمہ بین المذاہب شرائط، مقاصد جديد. Al-Tabyeen, 3(2), 137-148. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/202