علامہ غلام رسول سعيدى كى خدمات

غلام مصطفیٰ انجم * ڈاکٹر حافظ محمد شہباز

  • OJS Admin


Allama Ghulam Rasool Saeedi is a noted contemporary Islamic scholar knows for his brilliant style of writing and ……... The way he dealt with the differing ahadith by removing the objections through providing justifying explanations in his works such as “Tibyan al Quran”, Sharah Sahih Muslim” “Tibyan Al Quraan, Sharha Saheeh Muslim, Tibyan al Furqan, Ne’am Al Bari Sharha Saheeh al Bukhari” is a great display of his skills. This article deals with conflicts found in differing ahadith quoted in “ Sharah Sahih Muslim”.In his book Ghulam Rasool saeedi has claims that there is no confilict in Ahadith but it is considered as such due to limitations of human being mind in perceive his the meanings of Ahadith. In his works he presented ample proofs to remove conflicts among the differing narrations. Some examples of his contributions in this regard include the important topics such as taking the name of Allah during ablution. He has established conformity between Quran and the Sunnah by clarifying segregation between the obligatory steps of ablution according to Quraan and the sunnah of the prophet ﷺ. Further he has conformed conflicting narrations relating to valid and invalid marriage with and/or without the permission of the guardian of the woman. He also discuss approval and disapproval of marriage in the state of wearing “Ihram” and conformity in narrations dealing with establishing purity and cleanliness of leather by tanning. Conformity in narrations stating the sacredness of Makka Muazzima and Madina Munawwara through logical reasoning.

How to Cite
Admin, O. (2020). علامہ غلام رسول سعيدى كى خدمات. Al-Tabyeen, 3(2), 43-56. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/196