السنن الکبری میں غرابت و نکارت کے اسنادی داخلی نقدپر امام بیہقی کا اسلوب

  • Mamoona Islam Sargodha university
Keywords: scholars، publication، Hadith، narration ،muhaddith


Imam Baheqi has been counted among those scholars who devoted their entire life in the pathway of knowledge of Hadith and strived for the publication of Hadith till the breath. Al-Sunan al-Kubra is an excellent compilation of his writings in which Imam Baheqi has collected hadiths and relics as well as given place to ideas adorned with the principles of narration and da'wah and seems to use these principles. In the present article, the traditional principle used in Imam Baheqi 's book Al-Sunan Al-Kubra has been clarified by his examples. From which it is clear that Imam Baheqi was a great muhaddith who had a keen eye on the principles of hadith

How to Cite
Islam, M. (2022). السنن الکبری میں غرابت و نکارت کے اسنادی داخلی نقدپر امام بیہقی کا اسلوب. Al-Tabyeen, 6(01), 208-219. Retrieved from https://hpej.net/journals/al-tabyeen/article/view/1955